Art Deco, New York

The Chrysler Building in New York
The Chrysler Building is “only” the sixth tallest building in New York – for many architecture fans it is not only the most beautiful skyscraper in the city but even in the world. The Art Deco style facade and lace make the 1930s skyscraper really distinctive. Here you get all the information.
Restore Penn Station
On the eve of Thanksgiving Day, the National Society of Civil Art of the United States launched an advertising campaign in New York City to raise funds for the restoration of the original Pennsylvania Station. The legendary Penn Station demolition that they called the 1963 demolition «the greatest architectural crime of the 20th century».
Roof Gardens in New York
The secret realm of its roof gardens lies high above the urban canyons of the megacity. Photographer Charles de Vaivre has explored 25 of the exclusive refuges.
Tribeca is certainly not on every New York traveler’s must-see list, as many know nothing about this charming district. This is not bad at all, because Tribeca is a true insider tourist you rarely find here.