China, New York

The Chinese New Year’s festival depends on the lunar calendar and is celebrated after ancient tradition at the end of January or early / in mid-February. It is always on the day of the 1st full moon after the 19th of January.
Live Like in New York
Anyone who does not have a green card that legitimizes staying and working in the USA and is one of the biggest, self-proclaimed New York fans could opt for a double life: short trips to New York are made at regular intervals to shop there and literally soak up the flair of the American metropolis. And back home you can keep that New York feeling for as long as possible by designing your own four walls in the style of New York.
A Brief History of Immigration to New York
Probably the first European to see the area where New York stands today was the Florentine explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano. During an expedition with the aim of finding a western route from Europe to Asia, he anchored here with his La Dauphine on April 17, 1524, and continued his journey the next day.
The Russian Brighton Beach in New York
Brighton Beach is the heart of the Russian-speaking world of New York. Here you can meet representatives of all the former republics of the Soviet Union. The area received the nickname “Little Odessa” as a result of the unique colors created by the natives of this Black Sea city, and it is often called simply Brighton.