Top 10 New York’s spots depicted in movies

7:00 pm  |  18.12.2018

Probably, there is no one who wouldn’t hear of New York. Even if you haven’t been there personally, for sure, you’re acquainted with the most famous sights of the Big Apple owing to the Hollywood films that shooting in New York.

That’s why, having  visited this city, you will have a unique opportunity to repeat the routes of your favorite heroes and discover New York on your own.

Times Square

The square, known as the noisiest and the busiest in New York, where a lot of people, appeared in the film “Vanilla Sky” in a completely different way. The hero of the film, acted by Tom Cruise, crossed an absolutely deserted square, what happens very rarely in ordinary life. To shoot this scene the film crew were waiting from midnight to 6 am, until the Times Square is empty.

Try to catch the opportunity and see the area empty and, of course, visit it in daily time, when there will be a lot of hurrying people and bright billboards, which make Times Square the place it is.

Times Square in New York City
Times Square in New York City
Shot from the film "Vanilla Sky"
Shot from the film “Vanilla Sky”

Empire State Building            

One of the main attractions of New York, 102-storey skyscraper, has repeatedly served as ashooting spot for films. The heroes of the film “An Affair to Remember” 1957 agreed to meet on the roof of a skyscraper. The main character of “Sleepless in Seattle”arranges an appointment here on the eve of Valentine’s Day, which eventually took place. Also, famous, legendary King Kong film used the skyscraper, because it was the roof of building the giant monkey climbed to.

It will be interesting to see the skyscraper alive for film fans, and everyone,  also,  should visit the viewing platforms, two of which overlooking Manhattan.

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te Building in New York City
Empire State Building in New York City
Shot from the the film "An Affair to Remember"
Shot from the the film “An Affair to Remember”

The New York Public Library

Built in the 19th century, today it is considered the second largest public library in the United States. It has more than 53 million copies, including not only books, but also drawings, maps, engravings, and other historical monuments.

But the library is famous not only as a storage of knowledge, but also as a place for filming famous movies and TV shows. The scene of the quarrel between the main characters of the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” was filmed in the library reading hall. Also, the main actress of the series “Sex and the City” Carrie Bradshaw is planning a wedding here. Scenes of the films “Spiderman” and “Time Machine” were also shot here.

The New York Public Library in New Yor City
The New York Public Library in New Yor City
Shot from the film "Sex and the City"
Shot from the film “Sex and the City”

Central Park

The largest green area of New York, which сovers 3,41 km2, is the record for the number of films made there. The debut film was “Romeo and Juliet” in 1908. Different parts of Central Park were involved in more than 40 scenes of the movie. Carrie Bradshaw from “Sex and the City” with her friends walked along the alleys, and romantic scene by Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz from film “Vanilla Sky” was also filmed here. Also, the meeting of the heroes of Richard Gere and Winona Ryder from the romantic film “Autumn in New York ” was in Central Park, on Bow Bridge.

“Breakfastat Tiffany’s”, “The Devil Wears Prada”, “Enchanted” are the names, which continue the list, but the best thing is to visit the Park yourself and see all these places with your own eyes.

Bow Bridge, Central Park in NewYork City
Bow Bridge, Central Park in NewYork City
Shot from the film "Enchanted"
Shot from the film “Enchanted”

Hotel Plaza

The most chic and prestigious hotel in Manhattan, impressive for its beauty and scope is probably known to everyone owing to the boy Kevin from the second part of the comedy series “Home Alone-2”.

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It was the place where he booked a room using his father’s name and accommodated in one of the suites. A lot of other films were also shot in the Plaza Hotel. One of them is “Bride war”, in which the Plaza became a place to sort out the relationship between the actresses Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson.

“Sleepless in Seattle”, “The Great Gatsby”, “Crocodile Dundee”and many other films chose this place as the location for filming as well.

Hotel Plaza in New York City
Hotel Plaza in New York City
Shot from the film "Home Alone-2"
Shot from the film “Home Alone-2”

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American Museum of Natural History

Founded in 1869, the museum is considered one of the largest and most famous in the world. The museum has more than 36 million exhibits. A distinctive feature of the museum is the library founded in 1880, the amount of books of which exceeds 450 thousands. Also, the area of the museum is divided into separate halls, where the exhibits of a particular branch are represented.

The most famous film, shot here, is the comedy “Night at the Museum”. It was after the release of this film that the museum became a popular place among tourists, who are attracted not only by unique exhibits, but also by the spot for filming of the famous motion picture.

American Museum of Natural History in New York City
American Museum of Natural History in New York City
Shot from the film "Night at the Museum"
Shot from the film “Night at the Museum”

Flatiron Building

The unique attraction of New York, a 22-story building 87 meters in height, got its name due to its unusual shape. The weirdness of the building has always attracted artists and directors.

Flatiron is the place, which was destroyed by the US Army as a result of the pursuit of a giant lizard in the 1998 “Godzilla” film. The same building housed the headquarters of the Daily Bugle due to the idea of the film about Spider-Man.

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Flatiron Building in New York City
Flatiron Building in New York City
Shot from the film "Spider-Men"
Shot from the film “Spider-Men”

Tiffany & Co 

The store was opened in 1940, and after the release of the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” it gained worldwide fame. The thing is that it was that place, where the heroine Audrey Hepburn loved to have a croissant with coffee and considered this place to be the best in the world. At that time Tiffany opened on Sunday especially for filming.

The store is a famous landmark, where bijous are still packed in a blue box, which the heroine of the film bought for $ 10.

Shot from the film "Breakfast at Tiffany’s"
Shot from the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”

Joe’s Pizza

The famous pizza house, where even celebrities like DiCaprio like to have a snack, is located on 7 Carmine St. This is a favorite place of busy New Yorkers, for which pizza is favourite food. The movie “Spider-Man”, 2002, brought more glory and customers to this place. It was the working place of Peter Parker before he became Spider-Man.

Joe’s Pizza in New York City
Joe’s Pizza in New York City

Magnolia Bakery

The famous bakery on Bliker Street bakery opened in 1996. The establishment quickly gained popularity, and especially important was a 30-second episode from the series “Sexand the City”, where Kerry and Miranda were eating their cupcakes sitting on a bench next to the bakery. Here, the heroine of Anne Hathaway, Andy Sachs, from the movie “The Devil Wears Prada,” bought a cupcake with a candle for her boyfriend’s birthday.

It is worth visiting a cafe on Bliker Street, choosing your own sweet and enjoying it on the bench next to the legendary Magnolia Bakery.

Magnolia Bakery in New York City
Magnolia Bakery in New York City
Shot from the film "Sex and the City"
Shot from the film “Sex and the City”

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