Sheep Meadow, New York

New York
In this section, we collect all the things we find and found amazing and noteworthy about New York and its inhabitants. It is ideal for building useless knowledge – but somehow is interesting.
Central Park in Winter
When autumn in New York is replaced by the first snowflakes, a wonderful season begins in which you can discover a whole new side of Central Park. As soon as the treetops are covered in glittering snow and the water surfaces in the park begin to freeze, it is high time to rent ice skates and explore the winter highlights of the park.
Central Park in Summer
Central Park is beautiful in summer. The entire park shines in a strong, lush green, the plants bloom in all sorts of colors and there is a lot of life in the park. From morning to evening you can experience a lot there and there are many special events such as the free concerts. So here are our best tips for summer in Central Park.
Central Park in New York
Central Park in the heart of Manhattan is also known by the locals as “The Green Lungs” of New York. Central Park is also always an absolute highlight for tourists, as it has great events and excursion options to offer in every season. We have put together the top 5 activities in Central Park for you. Have fun exploring Central Park.