80 Incredible Facts About New York: a City That Never Stops to Amaze

5:26 pm  |  12.02.2021

New York is a city that never sleeps. If you don’t understand what we are talking about, you should definitely read this article because we have prepared amazing facts about this city.

  1. The Big Apple is home to an incredible number of wealthy people. There were about 350,000 millionaires in New York in 2018.
  1. According to CNN, USA Today and Co., Hedge Fund billionaire Ken Griffin has bought the most expensive apartment in the United States. His penthouse (220 Central Park South) is said to be worth $ 238 million.
Trump Tower
  1. John Daniel Hertz is responsible for the yellow color of the well-known taxis. He founded the Yellow Cap Company in 1907. He chose the yellow after a study by Chicago because this color is apparently the easiest to spot.
  1. You can see yellow taxis all over Manhattan (except when it’s raining). Would you think there are about 13,500 yellow taxis in New York? There are also about 50,000 Uber. Madness!
  1. Manhattan was not always as flat as it is now; it was literally flattened. Greenwich Village used to be a real hill that was eroded. You can still see it today because sometimes the streets are not straight.
  1. Manhattan produces over 21 tons of garbage every minute. In one year, New York will release a whopping 14 million tons of garbage.
  1. There are 252 colleges and universities in New York with more than 880,000 students.
  1. The name “Big Apple” was used in a horse racing column in the 1920s. The big apple meant that horse racing in New York was making a lot of money. However, there are other theories and legends about the name “Big Apple”.
Times Square
  1. Wall Street was named after the 12-foot wall erected by citizens of New York (formerly New Amsterdam) in the 17th century to protect against pirate attacks.
  1. The ice cream cone was invented in New York.
  1.  The word “Manhattan” comes from the Lenape word and means “island of many hills.”
  1.  In New York City, 6,000 people die each year from obesity.
  1. When the historic Plaza Hotel in New York City opened in 1907, an overnight stay cost $ 2.50, which would be about $ 64 by today’s standards.
  1.  If New York was his own country and the NYPD were his army, it would be the 20th highest-funded army in the world, right after North Korea and after Greece.
  1. The winter of 1780 in New York was so severe that even New York’s harbor froze over. As a result, people were able to walk across the ice from Manhattan to Staten Island.
  1. There is no city that is destroyed more often in films than in New York.
Empire State Building
  1. There are more Jews in New York than in any other city outside Israel.
  1.  New York homeowners can ask to plant a tree near their home for free.
  1.  In the aftermath of 9/11, the New York City Police Department deployed intelligence officers to 13 foreign cities, including London, Paris, Jerusalem, Madrid, Toronto, and Sydney.
  1. New York was one of the first cities in the world to allow same-sex marriage. New York was the sixth state in the United States to legalize same-sex marriage and recognize same-sex marriage before it was technically legal in the state.
  1. From 1889 to 1926, over 16 million immigrants arrived in the United States through New York Harbor. About 30% of Americans can trace at least one ancestor to Ellis Island.
  1. Due to hunger and political problems, by 1855 New York City had more Irish residents than the Irish capital. People of Irish descent still live in New York City than in the Irish capital.
  1. New York’s Adirondack Park covers an area of over 5 million acres, making it the largest national park in the United States. It is larger than Yellowstone Park, Glacier Park, Everglades, and Canyon National Parks combined. Adirondack Park is also considered the home of the elusive Bigfoot.
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  1. Niagara Falls National Park became one of the first parks in the United States when New York City established the Niagara Conservation Area in the 1880s. Three falls dump 150,000 gallons of water from 160 feet. The waterfall attracts 10 million tourists annually.
  1. There are 2 hydroelectric power plants in the Niagara Falls area that can generate 2 million kilowatts of electricity, enough to power New York State and southern Ontario, Canada.
  1. Many people mistakenly think that Manhattan is the whole of New York. In fact, Manhattan is just one of five boroughs in New York City. The rest are Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.
  1. Many famous people call New Yorkers home, including Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey, Denzel Washington, Adam Sandler, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Tom Cruise, Theodore Roosevelt, Maria Callas, Walt Whitman, the Marx brothers, and many others.
  1. In 1903, New York became the first state to require all cars to be registered and have license plates. The plates were not made by the government, but were created by the owner and must have the owner’s initials.
  1. In 1970, the Attica State Correctional Facility in New York staged the worst prison riot ever to take place in the United States. Inmates could take over the prison and take away law enforcement officers and other prison staff for ransom. When the riots ended, the violence killed 33 prisoners and 10 officers.
  1. The French Republic (France) donated the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1885 in honor of the 100th anniversary of independence and enduring loyalty between the two states. The statue was shipped in over 300 pieces in 214 boxes and took 4 months to assemble at its current location on Bedloe Island in New York.
  1. On September 11, 2001, the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York were undeniably the worst foreign attack on US soil. In the days that followed, the attack and rescue operations killed around 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000.
  1. The 2012 hurricane killed more than 130 people, about 60 of whom were New Yorkers. Most of New York City lost electricity, 500,000 homes and local businesses were lost, and total damage was about $ 50 billion.
  1. If New York were an independent country, it would be the 16th largest economy in the world and therefore slightly smaller than the economies of Canada and Spain. New York City’s economy is the second-largest in the United States.
  1. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has the largest gold reserves in the world. The vault is 70 feet below street level and contains over $ 80 billion in gold.
  1. The New York Public Library contains over 40 million books and publications and is one of the largest library systems in the United States. Only the Library of Congress has more volumes.
  1. The New York Yankees have won 27 more World Series of Baseball titles than any other team.
  1. The Bronx Zoo in New York is the largest zoo in the United States with over 600 species and 3,000 animals.
  1. According to a letter from Peter Shagen to the Dutch leadership, Dutch settlers bought the island of Manhattan, called New Amsterdam, from local residents in the 17th century. The letter mentions that the island was purchased for 60 guilders, but is missing important information such as the official purchase document. The island is believed to have been bought for $ 24, but adjusted for inflation, that figure was $ 950.
  1. 40 years later, the British conquered the territory of New Amsterdam from the Dutch. The area was named New York after the brother of King Charles II, Duke of York, on whose behalf the city was captured.
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New York’s view
  1. New York was the first capital of the United States after the ratification of the constitution. George Washington was sworn in as the first constitutional president of the United States on the balcony of the Old Town Hall.
  1. During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt brought over 1,000 refugees to the Safe Haven Holocaust refugee shelter in New York City. The refugees consisted of concentration camp survivors with skills that would be useful to a refugee home. The President also promised that the refugees would return to their countries after the end of the war, but many families remained in the United States forever.
  1. The New York Post is one of the oldest newspapers in the United States still in print. It was founded by Alexander Hamilton in the early 19th century.
  1. New York State is home to many inventions such as commercial toilet paper and modern chewing gum. Only New York was the source of marshmallows, mustard, children’s shoes, and jelly.
  1. Aside from emergencies, your car horn is prohibited in New York City. And yes, we know that everyone is doing one way or another.
  1. There are more Chinese people in New York than in any other city outside Asia. And there are more Jews living there than in any other city outside Israel. Proof of the city’s multiculturalism.
The Statue of Liberty
  1. New Yorkers drink 7 times more coffee than the rest of America.
  1. Each year, New Yorkers have ten times the number of shark bites worldwide.
  1. Manhattan comes from Lenape, which means “island of many hills.” This seems ironic today as many of the hills are smoothed out to improve the land for urban development.
  1. New York is the only city that has skyscrapers without windows. The picture below shows the AT&T Long Lines building that was built to house the telephone networks. This style of architecture is known as Brutalism and is now considered the architectural dark age.
Federal Bank
  1. Although New York is known as a concrete jungle, the city also invests heavily in parking. The most productive is Central Park, an 843-acre site in midtown Manhattan. In 2009, the city opened the High Line, a 1.3-mile stretch of abandoned railroad track that has been converted into an open garden. In 2018, the world’s first underground park will open in New York.
  1. 15,152 life forms (including insects and bacteria) have been found in the New York subway system.
  1. The city is really generous to its people, isn’t it? Now that you’ve learned that New Yorkers can call a hotline anytime to get free condoms and lube, here’s the next cool fact. Homeowners can call New York City and have a tree planted outside their home for free. We find that some cities can easily learn a slice of New York.
  1. Pinball machines were banned in the city until 1978. The police even pushed for compliance with the ban with raids such as those carried out during the ban.
  1. A fart in churches in New York is an administrative offense.
  1. A taxi license costs $ 1 million.
  1. The first pizzeria in the United States opened in New York in 1895.
  1. The first toilet paper was invented by Joseph C. Gaietti in New York in 1857.
  1. The Jewish population of New York is the largest outside Israel.
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New York’s Library
  1. Before World War II, all residents of the city who wanted to change their apartment had to move on May 1!
  1. New York City pays a one-way plane ticket for every homeless person who finds an apartment in another city.
  1. There’s a man in New York looking for gold on the sidewalks. He makes over $ 600 a week doing it.
  1. Hog Island, a small island south of Rockaway Beach, disappeared forever in the 1893 hurricane.
  1. By 1957, a regulated air pressure piping system connected 23 post offices over 27 miles. He sometimes carried 97,000 letters a day.
  1. New York has a windowless skyscraper, which is also a bomb shelter with its own water and gas supplies.
  1. New Yorkers can call 311 to plant a tree near their home.
  1. Manhattan Island was bought from the Indians by Dutch settlers for about $ 1,000.
  1. There are many secret or abandoned subway stations in New York. One of them is located under the town hall …
  1. In New York, when it’s very cold, subway rails are set on fire to clear the ice.
  1. A type of ant was discovered that only lives between the 63rd and 76th streets of the city … it was named “ManhattAnt”.
  1. Running a hot dog kiosk in NYC’s most popular neighborhoods can cost up to $ 4 million a year!
  1. 48% of the DNA found in the New York City subway belongs to bacteria, organisms and life forms that are not in the databases.
  1. There are 42 buildings in New York, large enough to have their own zip codes.
  1. The number of empty houses in the city is three times more than the number of homeless people.
  1. New York is the most linguistically diverse city in the world. 37% of the city’s residents were born elsewhere and speak approximately 800 languages.
  1. Every day, thousands of people stumble upon the exit stairs of Metro 36 station because one step is slightly higher than the others. A joke or a coincidence?
  1. Central Park is larger than the Principality of Monaco.
Central Park
  1. The Chinese village of Chinatown is second-largest outside Asia.
  1. There are over 6,000 high-rise buildings in New York, the largest in the world.
  1. November 28, 2012, was a special day in New York. There were no killings, shootings, injuries, or other violence in the city that day.
  1. The most famous stair races have been held at the Empire State Building every year since 1978.

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