Josephine Baker: Incredible Courage of Art

3:52 pm  |  14.01.2022

In 1926 Josephine Baker became an absolute sensation. She remained in our hearts, and nobody can blame her for that.

Historical Perfimances in Germany

Whenever in Berlin the speech falls in the 1920s, this affects the mind of many residents like a total purpose. The style! The tempo! Freedom! The whole world in awesome devastation united in front of this metropolis of all metropolises and times, a fixed star of urbanity, a place, against which even London, Paris, and New York acted as an eternal Sunday afternoon in the Mecklenburg province – well, and so on until the last bit of analytical distance is removed.

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Star with Tiger’s head – Josephine Baker

Source: Getty Images

To visit is a myth of these occasions, from which the German capital will not recover, as long as they render him to every inappropriate opportunity, so probably never. Historically correct at the elevations is that the need and despair after the lost war sometimes turn into a ceremony, which did not ask for consequences for body and soul.

Many people with different talents in the Reich capital for a “crowd of the names” caused the Nobel Prize winner Elias Canetti. For the inventory of these persons, the dancer Josephine Baker belongs, which from 14 January 1926 in the Reich capital. The irony is that Baker, born in St. Louis, was already born in St. Louis, had already come to Berlin, so the city was rather little for her.

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January 14, 1926: The dancer Josephine Baker (1906-1975) conquers with her Revue Berlin

Source: Roger Virtue Via Getty Images

Before her arrival in Germany, she had already made in Paris Furore if she fevered with her bared breast and a few springs at the body over the stage of “Revue Nègre”. The fact that they cut grimasses, the audience was amused as the fact that they moved in Charleston or on all fours over the stage.

That alone would not have been enough for fame, but the woman had also brought it to such a championship in the discipline of the buttwacking, that the spectators broke the synapses ranked. “This dance of rare indecentiveness is a triumph of lust,” wrote the French writer Pierre de Régnier. And because bad press immediately came home at that time, Bakers Name beamed in France.

Now Paris was in the reputation to be a city with a libertarian tradition. So what worked there had to end in Berlin in an explosion. While the Victorianism of London embossing may still be considered as the mental direction that had any sexual desire for dispensable – but a city that invented the sting step of Prussian soldiers as “crown of upright gangs” could have been less restrictive over decades, if It was about the question if fun is desired in connection with the copulative act.

If you read the contemporary comments on the dancer today, you are a testimony of utterly uniform. As a black banana skirt, Baker triggered all emotional sites under the Teutonic male sexes, the scale ranges from drooling worship in the nocturnal snap rush to hysterical dams in the morning afterward.

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For example, many authors spoke of the artist in humans by explaining them to the animal. Whereby the species might go confused: For one, Baker was a hummingbird, for the other a kangaroo or a snake, a giraffe or a monkey; That a giraffe and a snake physically do not have anything mean, did not matter, the descent was completely in the eye of the viewer.

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Rights Movement in the USA and French Citizenship

In 1937, Baker was granted French citizenship. During World War II, she participated in the movement of resistance. In the 1950s, he supported the civil rights movement in the United States. Baker died on April 12, 1975. The singer was buried in Monaco.

Pantheon, where the rest of Josephine Baker will find, serves as a historical tomb of outstanding figures of France from the end of the XVIII century. Under his arches, philosophers Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, writers Viktor Hugo, Alexander Duma, Nobel Nobel Physics Prize, and Maria Curie, Hero of Anti-Fascist Resistance Jean Moulin. The inscription at the entrance to the Pantheon says: “Great people are grateful step-bypass.”

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