New York Public Library, New York

New York Public Library
The NYPL has 88 branches in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island; Brooklyn and Queens have their own city library systems. But this building, of all things, which is often regarded as the headquarters of the NYPL, houses a lot of literature. But it also makes know-it-alls rejoice when someone in a film walks down the stairs with a stack of books.
Rockfeller Center
Anyone who knows how to know where and how to save in New York in the right places, which then has a lot of money for great extras while shopping or cool events at a different time.
a Lock of Beethoven’s Hair
The staff of the New York Public Library cleaned up their vast and centuries-old archive. They organized an impressive free exhibition. Here will be shown exhibits covering the 400-year history, including the only surviving letter of Christopher Columbus in which he talks about his «discovery» of America, and the first Gutenberg Bible brought to the US.
Sex and the City Tour in New York
On this Sex and the City tour through New York, you follow in the footsteps of Sarah Jessica Parker aka Carrie, and her friends. Well, who hasn’t always dreamed of it? As a loyal fan of the series, you know every scene, every episode, and would give anything to go to the original filming locations in New York.
The Oculus at Ground Zero
In the nearly two decades since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, architects from around the world have worked hard to rebuild what previous times destroyed. Instead of recreating what once existed, many creative minds have chosen to come up with new designs. It shows respect for the earlier structures and especially those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks.
One World Trade Center
Today we’re going to have a look at 20 thrilling sights each traveler must-see. Let’s get started.
Williamsburg Bridge
The Big Apple, like the forbidden fruit, attracts millions of travelers to…