People, New York

Coinbase is a compelling narrative of overcoming challenges and pioneering a revolutionary product that would later emerge as one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States.
In the bustling streets of New York, food delivery couriers face a myriad of challenges, from earnings deprivation to the constant threat of robbery, all while feeling neglected by law enforcement. This article explores their daily struggles and how couriers navigate through adversity, establishing recreation centers and forming patrols for self-protection.
People in New York
On the one hand, it is very difficult to describe real New Yorkers, but on the other hand, you can feel exactly when you are confronted with a real New Yorker. THE New Yorker doesn’t actually exist, because most New Yorkers are not native Americans, but come from almost every country. They are by no means all second or third-generation New Yorkers.
Sylvia Weinstock
Sylvia Weinstock left us at the age of 91. She was the most famous baker of New York. Customers of the cake queen were politicians and stars. 
Barbara Streisand
Barbra Streisand redefined good looks with humor, talent, and an eye-catching nose. This has now been captured in an illustrated book by photographers Steve Schapiro and Lawrence Schiller.
Thomas Panek with his dog
Self-employed without an eye light is difficult enough for most. Thomas Panek now even ran the New York Half Marathon alone – as the first blind runner at all. Although, he was not absolutely alone.
Old New Yorkers
Anyone who moves to New York today in order to settle down in this city must be rich. It used to be different. And they still exist, the original New Yorkers, in their charmingly overcrowded apartments. 
Ronnie Spector
As the lead singer of the trio The Ronettes, she said goodbye to the innocent image of many pop colleagues: Ronnie Spector, known for hits like “Be My Baby” or “Baby, I Love You”, is dead. She died “after a short fight against the Cancer”.
Fire in New York
At least 19 people were killed in one of New York’s worst fires, including nine children. The fire broke out on one of the lower floors of a high-rise building. Mayor Eric Adams speaks of a tragedy. Survivors report screaming children.
Peter Bogdanovich
The director Peter Bogdanovich would have loved to live in Hollywood’s golden era. He was born too late for that – and so he made nostalgic films like “Is’ what, Doc?” and “Paper Moon”. Now this brilliantly clever epigone has died.
Buddy The Rat
He sits on garbage cans, scares young women, and inspires thousands of people on social media: In New York, a man dresses up as a rat and turns the street into a stage. He has a very simple reason for this.
John F. Kennedy International Airport
The TWA terminal at New York’s JFK Airport is considered an architectural highlight, but it did not fulfill its purpose adequately. Now the terminal, where the Hollywood film “Catch Me If You Can” was filmed, has reopened as a luxury hotel.
Jackson Galaxy
It’s hard not to pay attention to Jackson Galaxy: this is a shaved, bearded middle-aged man with numerous tattoos, who drives through the streets in a bright pink convertible. Despite his shocking image, he is not an actor or a rock star, although he dreamed of a musical career.