People in New York: What About Locals?

1:53 pm  |  15.05.2022

On the one hand, it is very difficult to describe real New Yorkers, but on the other hand, you can feel exactly when you are confronted with a real New Yorker. THE New Yorker doesn’t actually exist, because most New Yorkers are not native Americans, but come from almost every country. They are by no means all second or third-generation New Yorkers.

New Yorkers are always working. And that is to be taken literally. Since there is no regulated closing time in New York, the competition is always present. Many shops are therefore open 24 hours.

Central Park

Many New Yorkers have up to three-day jobs in order to be able to afford the expensive life in the city at all. It is not uncommon for a large and hungry family to depend on the breadwinner, who naturally wants to be taken care of.

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Some of the working hours also extend to the weekend – you only stop before selected public holidays. This does not include, for example, New Year or Christmas (except December 25), but the national holiday (July 4) does (by the way, the only day in New York on which there are proper fireworks!).

From the customer’s point of view, New York is a 24/7 shopping paradise, where you can still do your shopping in the supermarket, drugstore, etc. in peace and quiet at 3:00 a.m.

Dress Code

Wall Street and Dress code – two related concepts

The New York dress code is very simple: Exactly different than any tourist! In the depths of winter, when temperatures drop below minus 20° Celsius and tourists brave the weather in two or three winter jackets one on top of the other, New Yorkers can be seen in a simple shirt (no jacket, protected only by a tie, a cigarette, and a coffee from Starbucks) standing coolly in front of the company entrances. Business clothes here always mean a suit, black shoes, a tie and of course the ubiquitous mobile phone (which of course means cell phone here!). In conservative sectors, women’s skirts must at least cover the knees and bare legs, which is unacceptable even in midsummer.

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Many women actually walk along 5th Avenue in a Chanel suit with a bit of fur coat and the ideally matching (caution: satire!) sneakers – it’s much more comfortable that way and in the office, restaurant, or wherever the elegant shoes are then unpacked again and changed.

Incidentally, New York children are calibrated to “New York” at an early age, since they are allowed to wear shorts and skirts to outdoor gymnastics exercises in arctic temperatures!

New York Pace

All New Yorkers have one thing in common, though: they’re all looking for money and success, and they’re looking for it pretty quickly. That’s why you can always tell New Yorkers are in an extreme hurry to get from point A to point B, and tourists who are at point C, which is halfway between A and B, are always wondering, which is so interesting about point B that all the people from A want to go there (sorry, Douglas)…

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Aside from the rush that characterizes New Yorkers and prevents locals from even being aware of this city’s treasures, New Yorkers all either carry a paper cup of coffee or a bottle of water and/or hang around doorways with a broken cigarette. In return, a tourist is also clearly identified: He is the one who always stops and looks at the skyline sky to loud “Boahs” and “Wows” and takes a photo every two minutes.

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