10 Reasons to Love New York: Too Many Reasons To Love This City

4:38 pm  |  06.05.2022

We were just wondering what exactly appeals to us about New York and why this city just hasn’t let us go for so many years: and we think it’s not just me!

New York gives us this wonderful feeling that it is THE city that is closest to us personally. We’ve grown fond of the diversity, dynamics, but also the many small spots that have lasted for decades despite the big competition. The bad thing is: with every trip to New York it becomes more rather than less. This mix of “coming home again” and recognizing old corners and the constant change is fantastic!

1. It Is an Incredibly Fascinating and Vibrant City

New York view

It’s not called the city that never sleeps for nothing. If you want, there’s always something going on in New York!

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2. New York Evokes an Incredible Number of Positive Associations

We are sure it’s not just me: New York has absolutely positive associations for me. The feeling that the city triggers in every time we visit it is always the same: euphoria! And New York itself is a positive city: it honors it when someone has made it and there are hardly any debates about envy, as is often the case here.

3. New York is Bustle and Relaxation at the Same Time

Rooftop bar 230 Fifth in New York – great view of the Empire State Building

We don’t know of any city that exudes such positive energy and charges you up and at the same time manages to spread relaxation – with every visit from the great rooftop bars, the many parks or or or. And yet the city is under constant power: New Yorkers don’t really look to the left or right, 16,000 yellow cabs drive through the city alone, not to mention the other road users. But we love the constant honking of the cars because something isn’t going fast enough or the thunder of the subway when it passes under you. Brilliant!

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4. New York Has More World-Renowned Attractions Than Any Other City

Also on the itinerary: by boat to the Statue of Liberty

Everyone knows them – everyone immediately associates them with the Big Apple: the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, the One World Trade Center, the Chrysler Building, Central Park, Times Square and and and.

For us, these are the best sights in New York – check them out!

5. New York is Cosmopolitan, Tolerant and Open-Minded

That’s why we love New York: the tolerant and open people you meet in bars and such. It’s so easy to get into a quick exchange of ideas with them about things like the city itself, life in the US, life itself and so on. We have never once experienced being spoken to strangely or feeling strangely treated. It didn’t matter whether it was in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn or Long Island.

6. New York Loves Individuality

One of the many bars in the East Village: the Proletariat

Individuality is part of New York’s DNA – you just have to people-watch when you’re sitting in a café or something (love it!). There is little “mass”, rather many totally different types.

7. New York Has a Lot of Water Around It

From the Staten Island Ferry you have a great view of the Statue of Liberty and the southern tip of Manhattan!

No wonder – after all, it is an island. We like being around water and traveling by ship or boat. And New York has a lot of that. Therefore, our tip to everyone: definitely take a boat tour around New York or a ride on the Staten Island Ferry, and then enjoy the great view of the southern tip on the way back to Manhattan.

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8. New York is a Trendsetter in Many Areas

Technology, fashion, design, food, architecture… when something becomes hip and trendy, New York is often the origin of the movement. It reflects the pulse of the times.

9. New York Offers a Lot for Everyone

Be it sports, concerts and musicals, museums and art, a lively food scene, great bars and rooftop bars, shopping in small and large shops – everything is there. We like this diversity about New York!

10. New York is a Symbol of the Strength of the People

We’ll quote the great Frank Sinatra:


Especially in difficult situations like 9/11 the city sticks together. We were in New York at the time and experienced it myself. Or after Storm Sandy with the severe flooding: Shopkeepers provided free water and charging stations for cell phones so that people could reach their relatives. Goose bumps – New York is our positive example of what matters when things get serious: the right people!

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