It’s Interesting: Curious and Worth Knowing Facts about New York

3:53 pm  |  17.06.2023

In this section, we collect all the things we find and found amazing and noteworthy about New York and its inhabitants. It is ideal for building useless knowledge – but somehow is interesting.

# 10 – New York Has the Longest Street in the USA

It is long and may still be created as originally created transversely through Manhattan: Broadway is one of the most famous streets of all New York. But did you know that he is the longest business road in the world at almost 33 kilometers? The former Indian path, which was not a victim of the city planner, meanwhile transversed across the island of Manhattan.

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He started in the south of the island in the Financial District and his end is entirely in the north in Harlem. There he becomes first of the Broadway Theater and then to Broadway North and ends only in Sleepy Hollow, where he becomes the Albany Post Road.

# 9 – New York Has the Longest Island in the USA

Long Beach deserves its name honestly / © Jonathanpercy Flickr

About this info, we are stumbled when writing about the beaches of New York. With just under 200 kilometers in length, Long Beach (so the name !!) is the longest island in the USA. Again a record of New York!

And many of them do not believe – New York has really great beaches, which should be especially in the summer necessarily on your tourist destination.

# 8 – Secret Subway Station Under the City Hall

There is a subway station that can no longer be achieved via a train station: City Hall or City Hall Loop. This part was opened in 1904 and was only used until 1945. The reason for the closure: By the increase in passengers, longer trains had to be used, which also needed longer platforms. But since the platform of the City Hall is not straight but a curve, the conversion has not been expected.

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Do you want to see this historic train station? Then you put in the line, drive to the last official station in Downtown Manhattan and stay on the train. Line 6 then uses the City Hall Loop to go back towards Uptown. More information about the New York subway is available in another article.

# 7 – The Benches in Central Park

Sheep Meadow Central Park

If all the benches that exist in beautiful Central Park would rank together, creates a really long series. How long? A total of 11 kilometers (!) – That’s pretty much half the length of Manhattan Island!

# 6 – Cattle Tunnel in Meatpacking District

The Meatpacking District was at the beginning of the 20th century – as the name implies – the home of many slaughterhouses and meat processing companies. Many of the cattle were transported here either with the railway route, which is today the high line park, were transported here or came by ship from New Jersey. To simplify your transport from the dock to the slaughterhouse, the city has built a subterranean tunnel. Finally, the many animals should not disturb everyday human traffic.

Only in 2004, this tunnel was rediscovered due to work on the railway line. It is found on the 34th street between the eleventh and twelfth Avenue and leads along the 39th street.

# 5 – Avenue of the Strongest

New York is probably the only city in the world, which in honor of his more than 6,000 garbage men – who have the nickname “The Strongest” – naming an Avenue. And the “Avenue of the Strongest”. It runs from the district Tribeca as Hudson Street direction East River to Chatham Square.

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Why you are called the strong? Every New Yorker causes 600 kg of garbage every year and a large part of it is thrown into garbage bags by hand in the refuse trucks! Therefore, the name – rightly!

# 4 – Inventor of Potato Chips

The state of New York is the implementation of the potato chips! In 1853, the Hotel Moon Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York, was actually invented by chef George bacon. A guest left the fried potatoes because they were cut too thick. After 2 attempts it handed him and he cut so thin that after frying she could not be paced away from the guest with the fork. But because of revenge – the guest loved it and from the day to the “Saratoga Potatoes” wandered on the menu!

# 3 – New York Grows Again for the First Time

New York is happy about more inhabitants

A fact that has totally surprised me: The population of New York has been brought up for the first time since 1950 (!). By 2012, more and more people from New York are gone – as attracted. According to Mayor Michael Bloomberg, more than 160,000 people have been added since 2012.

# 2 – The Busiest Bridge in the World

Holds a lot of traffic: the George Washington Bridge

Did you know that George Washington Bridge is the busiest bridge in the world? Over 130,000 vehicles cross a day of this bridge, which Manhattan connects to New Jersey. That makes almost 50 million vehicles in the year!

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For comparison: Volkswagen built 8.5 million vehicles throughout 2011.

# 1 – The Largest Subway Line in the World

The subway system in New York is well connected

The subway in New York has 27 subway lines with 476 stations and a total of 68 bridges are crossed. Of course, she also has the largest subway fleet in the world – is clear!

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