15 Situations a New York Expat is Guaranteed to go Through: Emigrants in New York

4:57 pm  |  02.03.2022

What experiences are you guaranteed to have in the first few months after moving? Positive, negative, crazy, weird, and hilarious. Everything that everyday life in the cosmopolitan city of New York entails. In the beginning, we always thought: “No, that will never happen to me” – or “No, I would never say that – really never!” 

1. New York Taxi- Take a Deep Breath in the Yellow Cap

Every New York cab ride is a new adventure

You’re bound to yell at a cab driver through the plastic window in the Yellow Cap because you were scared to death while driving, or because he made a total detour for no real reason.

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2. On the Streets of New York

You will have trouble crossing the street at almost every traffic light, as there is always a truck, taxi, or bus blocking the way. If it’s not one of the three possibilities, then a cyclist will definitely come racing and threaten to hit you.

3. Scare in the Supermarket

You have to dig deep into your pocket for groceries

You’re going to have a heart attack the first time you see supermarket prices.

4. New York Tourists Went Astray. You as the Ultimate New York Travel Guide?

You will look up irritated and want to help when you hear the tourists loudly discussing which (wrong) way is the right one.

5. Life in New York

In New York, the unusual tends to be ordinary

You develop a complete indifference to what people think of you. You do what you want, wear what comes to your mind, and no longer care what opinions might be had about it.

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6. The Problems, But Also Openness in New York

You will encounter a lot of rejections, for example when you are looking for your new apartment, the man of your dreams, or your dream job. But you will often be surprised how often you are chatted up in the elevator, in the subway, or in the bar without any obligation. The New Yorkers are open, but unfortunately mostly only very superficially.

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7. The Subway in New York,

A very rare sight on the New York subway

You really get on every subway, no matter how crowded, no matter how bad it stinks. You will quickly notice that the following three subways are just as full or even fuller. So you take what you can get.

8. Morning Exercise in New York

You definitely adapt to the march of people on the street in the morning. Running to work in New York is not a leisurely walk. Please be careful not to spill the coffee-to-go cup.

9. Nightlife in New York

You don’t even know which bar, club, or restaurant to go to first. You suffer from complete sensory overload.

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10. Break Dancing in New York

In fact, you won’t notice the breakdancers, singers, or men & women who talk big (they give speeches of all kinds about all kinds of things) on the New York subway. Not even if they use the pole right next to you for their acrobatics or even mention you by name in the speech.

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11. Temperatures in New York

You will never get used to the heat and humidity of summer. No never! And yes, you’ll be glad you have air conditioning in your apartment. But you thought before that you would never turn it on?

12. Traffic in New York

You’ll quickly learn that normal traffic rules don’t apply on the streets of New York. Brakes are for losers.

13. The New Hipster? No!

You’ll quickly stop thinking about every new trend in town. Because then you would have to restock your closet every week. Completely impossible, since he’s already taking up your entire room in your mini-apartment and you also need almost your entire salary in the supermarket and for the rent.

14. What Have I Done?

Nevertheless, New York is the favorite city of many people

We are sure you’ll want to run away and scream out loud at times. You want to call your parents or your friends and say that you’re definitely on the next plane home.

15. New York: We Love You!

Ultimately, you will always be able to laugh about everything and be happy to live in the greatest city in the world.

New York, we love you – with all your rough edges. If you want to know what my 5 reasons were to emigrate to New York, you can read another article.

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